SB Surveyors Sudbury Lorry Park Report – Delivering in the town centre

This first report dealing with a Sudbury based issue is intended to stimulate informed debate.  SB Surveyors Sudbury Lorry park 18 10 18 report provides background and context to assist understanding of existing users and how the existing lorry park works for users.

Babergh District Council have indicated that they wish to review the location of the Sudbury lorry park. This was confirmed in the Council leaflet “Delivering a Vision for Prosperity” published on Suffolk Day, 21st June 2018,

and which states: –

“The need for a lorry park will be reviewed, and if necessary an alternative site will be sought and announced by the end of 2018.”

SB Surveyors intend that this report assists consideration of the whole range of uses and benefits to the town that the existing lorry park provides.